Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.2023 PFFU Convention Delegate Registration LATE REGISTRATION IS OPEN 2023 PFFU Convention April 26, 27 and 28 (Training Day) DEADLINE TO REGISTER MARCH 26, 2023 LATE REGISTRATION IS MARCH 27 TO APRIL 13, 2023 (+$100 PER DELEGATE) COST PER DELEGATE $350 Date / TimeLocal Name *Person Registering Delegates *Email *Local Number *Title *Phone *Total Number of Delegates *Select Number Of Delegates Attending123456789101112131415$350.00 per delegateEnter Delegate Information Below Register the total number of Delegates you are going to have attend If you haven't decided on who your Delegates are yet, use TDB in the Name. All names must be provided by convention check in. Delegate 1 *FirstLastDelegate 2 *FirstLastDelegate 3 *FirstLastDelegate 4 *FirstLastDelegate 5 *FirstLastDelegate 6 *FirstLastDelegate 7 *FirstLastDelegate 8 *FirstLastDelegate 9 *FirstLastDelegate 10 *FirstLastDelegate 11 *FirstLastDelegate 12 *FirstLastDelegate 13 *FirstLastDelegate 14 *FirstLastDelegate 15 *FirstLastPAYMENT CAN BE MADE TO ANY OF THE FOLLOWING Check the method you are using. Payment needs to be made before submitting the form. The form will close once submitted. Select Payment OptionVenmoPayPalCheckMail to: IAFF L2970 - West Valley Firefighters / PO Box 70038 / WVC, UT 84120PayPal - Link Here Venmo QR Code - @iafflocal2970 Submit